Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fall Final

I think this project was pretty easy, but it took me a while because there were so many different ways to do the steps so I tried many different ways to decide which looked best. Also, I wished I would have worked a little faster in the beginning because I was rushed in the end to finish the wick. The first thing I did on this project was create the circles surrounding the bomb and cut the text out of the black circle. I found that step pretty easy and did it pretty quickly, only having to use Ctrl + Z a couple of times. Personally, I found setting the gradient on the bomb the most difficult step, and I probably spent around 30 minutes working on that. I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out, but I couldn't spend any more time on it and still finish. Also, making the thing the wick sits inside was difficult to make and I ended up using Extrude & Bevel tool which was a really weird way, but still worked. Overall, this assignment had challenges but was pretty easy in the end.