Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Displacement Map

This project was actually really easy and fun. This entire assignment took me like 5 minutes and the tutorial was easy to read and follow. To do this project, I mostly used the layers and channels panels to change colors and blend multiple pictures together. I also used the gaussian blur to allow my name to look softer and blend into the picture better. I liked this project and overall thought it was really easy.


This project was actually pretty challenging for me and I'm not entirely sure why. I think it was mostly because almost every tool we used for this project was new and I kept making little mistakes that messed up the entire assignment for me. Because this project had difficult times, I didn't really like it very much. Most of this project was accomplished by using layers and selections to take different parts of the two pictures and blend them together.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Asylum

At the beginning of this project, I thought it was going to be difficult and take a lot of time, but it was actually really easy and I finished it much faster than I thought I would. For this project, I had to use the layers panel alot since this is made of just different pictures stacked on top of another, blended with a few tools to give the "asylum" effect. We used tools we had never used before in this project,but they were easy to learn which kept the project simple.The most difficult step for me was using the gradient tool to decrease the size of the padded room picture on the silhouette. It wasn't hard, I had just never used it before so learning to control it needed instruction.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Inner You

This project is called the inner you. For this assignment, we were required to take a picture of ourselves  walking and then find a shadow and a sidewalk scene on the internet and then combine them together using the Photoshop tools we have learned so far. For my shadow, I used a picture of a girl leaping with her arms and legs spread out because,since I am goofy, that is a pose I would definitely do. I think the most difficult part of this assignment was selecting just the part of the picture of myself I wanted to use because my photo didn't have contrasting colors and the angles were weird, so I ended up using the magnetic lasso tool which wasn't too challenging, but was time consuming and forced me to be really careful to not cut off part of my body.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Shadow Dancing

I thought this assignment was easy, but fun. It taught me how to turn a picture into a shadow and make it look realistic. I didn't think anything in this project was difficult, although I did have a small problem at the beginning because my layer was locked so the magic wand tool didn't work correctly, but after fixing that, finishing the assignment was very easy. To make the picture of the girl look like a shadow, I had to turn the foreground black and then just play with the opacity until it looked the way I wanted it to. Other than flipping the image horizontally and adding a line from the shadow to the girl, that was all that this project required.

Transform Tools 2

For this assignment, I chose to use a picture of a butterfly on a flower. I liked doing this because it showed how much you could change on a photo in such a small amount of time, it also taught me how to use new tools I had never used before while still being really simple. To accomplish this effect, I used the stroke and drop shadow tool on the smaller photo to give it the "picture in a picture" effect. Then I used a black and white filter on the background to really allow the smaller photo to stand out.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Transform Tools 1

Throughout this tutorial, I learned how to use the scale and rotating tools correctly, as well as skew, distort, perspective, and warp. This is what I did with the warp tool. Although this picture doesn't look good, and isn't something I would turn in, it shows one of the many things that can be done with a transform tool. I was able to give the photo the effect that it was folding up and coming off the page.

Veggie Head

This veggie head was constructed by using selection tools in Photoshop. While making this veggie head, I learned that there are many different ways to do the same things, some are just easier for certain situations. I thought the easiest of the steps was the mushroom hat. I thought this one was the easiest because the lasso tool is easy to use and has add and subtract options that make it even easier to select exactly what you want. I thought the hardest step was selecting the blueberries and carrots for eyes because for me, it was difficult to select exactly what you want by using the circle marquee tool.