Thursday, March 27, 2014

Perfume Ad

For this ad I chose to put my face across the entire page because in many magazines and other places with ads, the model occupies a large area of the the ad to show the audience that if this famous person uses the product, they should too. I wanted to display this same effect in my own ad. To accomplish this effect, I mostly used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out my face and the perfume bottle and then used the layers panel to stack different pieces on top of eachother.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Color and Black & White Glamour Shot

For this assignment I started out by desaturating the entire picture. I then used the history brush to paint the area, in the case my shirt, that I wanted to be in color.

High Pass Model Shot

This tutorial sharpened the image a little and gave it a grunge effect by adjusting the high pass values. This tutorial was very easy, but kind of difficult to add enough high pass without it being too sharp.

Sepia Glamour Shot

This tutorial was easy and accomplished in just a few clicks of the mouse. First, I desaturated the picture and made sure it was in RGB color mode. Then I adjusted the fine & course slider and then added more yellow and more red to the picture from the variations panel.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Vignette Model Shot

This was really easy. I just drew a circle with the circle marquee tool and adjusted brightness amounts.

Focused Shot

For this tutorial, I blurred the background of the picture around my face. This tutorial was really easy and just used gaussian blur and the brush tool the accomplish the effect.

Self Makeover

While editing my face, at first I had no idea what I wanted to change, but after working on it for a few minutes, I easily found many items I wanted to change. A major thing I wanted ti change was the bags under my eyes that formed when I smile. I remembered doing the wrinkle remover tutorial so I went and found that and was able to easily remove the bags with the healing brush tool. Then I changed my eye color to a dark green and added a dark brown eye shadow since I don't really wear makeup in real life. I also removed a few stray hairs on my shoulder towards the right of the picture. Removing hairs was really easy and I just used the content aware options to remove it and replace it with the color of my shirt. Then I whitened my teeth and eye whites slightly using the dodge tool. The last thing I did was lighten a few areas of the skin around my mouth with the spot healing brush tool.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Skin Tone

This tutorial was another quick and easy one. The first thing I did to accomplish this tutorial was select the girl's cheek to the left of the picture with the lasso tool, and then I used the eyedropper tool to select the color I wanted to fill her cheek with and then used a paintbrush to paint it onto her cheek. When I finished it, I then did the same thing with the girl's other cheek.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Wrinkle Removal

To accomplish this tutorial, I used the healing brush tool. This tutorial was very similar to the spot healing brush tutorial on removing acne on a girl's face. This tutorial required me to ALT-click on a clear spot near a wrinkle and then paint over the wrinkles to eliminate them. This only took a few seconds, but the change it made is drastic.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Whitening Teeth

In this tutorial, I chose to do method 1. In method 1, I used the dodge tool in midtones range with 50% exposure to paint the teeth to look white. This tutorial was really easy and just took  a few minutes.

Eye Makeup

Once again this tutorial was an easy way to change something on a picture in just a matter of minutes. This action was done mostly by brushes and blend modes which are both things I have used before, keeping it really easy to accomplish.

Changing Hair Color

This tutorial was another quick and easy one. To accomplish this effect, I had to go into quick mask mode which I had never done before. While in quick mask mode, I painted the strands of hair I wanted to use. Then I exited quick mask mode and adjusted hue and saturation values to change the color of the hair.

Modifying Nose (profile)

This tutorial was easy and only took a few minutes. I liked it because once again, it was cool to learn how to use a new tool to easily and quickly modify something about a photo. I had never used the pucker tool before so it was neat to learn something new.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Content-Aware Options

This tutorial was probably one of the easiest ones we've done all year. It took just a matter of minutes and really only required a few clicks of the mouse to accomplish. Also the content aware option was really cool to see how easy it was to get rid of unwanted objects in the photo.

Spot Healing Brush

This tutorial was pretty easy and fun. I really liked doing this tutorial because it was really cool to see how easy you could change the picture and get rid of all the girl's acne. I had never used the spot healing brush before so I'm glad I learned how.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Clone Stamp Tool

The clone stamp tool tutorials were pretty easy, but definitely not my favorite. The truck tutorial was easy and only took about 5 minutes because all I had to clone was the truck and enter offset values to allow it to be smaller. The pisa tutorial was much harder and more frustrating because I had to fix the people and buildings so they looked correctly and that was difficult for me to do.