Monday, March 24, 2014

Self Makeover

While editing my face, at first I had no idea what I wanted to change, but after working on it for a few minutes, I easily found many items I wanted to change. A major thing I wanted ti change was the bags under my eyes that formed when I smile. I remembered doing the wrinkle remover tutorial so I went and found that and was able to easily remove the bags with the healing brush tool. Then I changed my eye color to a dark green and added a dark brown eye shadow since I don't really wear makeup in real life. I also removed a few stray hairs on my shoulder towards the right of the picture. Removing hairs was really easy and I just used the content aware options to remove it and replace it with the color of my shirt. Then I whitened my teeth and eye whites slightly using the dodge tool. The last thing I did was lighten a few areas of the skin around my mouth with the spot healing brush tool.

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