Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Brush Composition

This assignment had some tough parts, but was overall pretty easy and enjoyable. I chose to use Orlando because I have loved him ever since I was little so using him in my assignment was a must. The first step of this project was to use the pen tool to select the person, which honestly was one of the hardest steps since the pen tool can be challenging to work with. Next we created a new layer and changed the blending mode and then used the dodge and burn tools to emphasize certain dark and light spots on our subject. The dodge and burn tools were easy to use and added a nice effect to Orlando. Then we picked a color and background to blend our character into and I chose a brown forest to give kind of a dark manly look but also be appealing to the eye. Next, we used a picture of the northern lights to cutout and blend into the background. Blending this into the background was easy, but took time to go through all the different blending modes and play with the hue and saturation to see what looked best for my particular photo.

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